Founded in 2021 on Aether, The Aether Entertainer is player-made virtual magazine covering music, theatre, art, current events, and Eorzean popular culture. AE is a SFW publication that aims to provide information about venues, promote creators and upcoming events, as well as provide a pass time while drinking coffee. We often volunteer or sponsor other entity's events or even host our own at our home location, AE Cafe'. New publications are released monthly.
Latest Issues
Volume 1
AE Relaunched!
Volume 2
Sufferhymn's Exclusive Interview
Volume 3
Theater Virtuoso
Volume 4
Coming Soon
Stay Tuned...
Coming Soon
Stay Tuned...
Coming Soon
Stay Tuned...
Coming Soon
Stay Tuned...
Latest Issues
Coming Soon!
Stay Tuned...
Volume 8
Content Creation (Savage)
Volume 7
Spud & Bass
Volume 6
New World
Volume 5
Volume 4
Volume 3
Theater Virtuoso
Volume 2
Sufferhymn's Exclusive Interview
Volume 1
AE Relaunched!
Battle of the Bards Night
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST
Midgardsormr, Goblet ward 26 - plot 19
"With all the chaos of the FF14 club venue community, it’s good to see AE come back." ~ Dandy Lyon, Club Vamp
AE Café
Aether, Midgardsormr, Goblet, Ward 26, Plot 19
A subsidiary of The Aether Entertainer, hoping to provide a comfortable
place to read, relax, or chat with the press staff. The cafe' was
created with the intent of promoting The Aether Entertainer press and
the featured venues or individuals each publication. During opening
events, we hand out the latest magazine early and serve warm beverages
and baked goods. Since the topics we cover are ever-changing, so too
will be the themed events we host here!
SyncShell Password AetherEntertainer2024
"Social change begins with how we interact with each other."